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Fill in all the fields as appropriate.
Player's CFC ID (if known) Autofill using CFC ID Please enter your CFC ID. It helps a great deal in verifying information.
Player's Name
Player's Rating: (0 if unrated)
Player's email
Billing email (if different from player's email)
Email Preferences: Please check as desired if you are not already on the following email lists. Yes, the BC Chess Federation can send me their free email chess bulletin Yes, Victoria Chess can send me information on Victoria Chess tournaments Yes, the CFC can contact me about my CFC membership
Player's Home City
If purchasing a CFC membership, please select player's home province/country: BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NS PEI NL NWT YT NU USA Foriegn
Player Age: Adult Junior (U20 as of Jan. 1 2025)
Player Date of Birth if not on file with CFC (optional, not displayed on pre-registration list):
Section: (Playing up a section fee will be added as appropriate) Premier $100 U2000 $100 U1600 $100 U1300 $100
Entry Fee Discounts: $30 : Family Discount (2nd or higher family member)
Byes (1/2 point in early rounds; 0 point in final round): A Bye is a round you CAN NOT play. Round 1 Friday 6:00pm Round 2 Sat. 11:00 am Round 3 Sat. 5:00pm Round 4 Sun. 11:00am Round 5 Sun. 5:00pm Round 6 Mon. 10:00am
CFC Membership: Need to purchase Annual Membership (Cost varies by province) Need a Tournament Membership (TM) (16 adult, 8 junior) GM, IM, or WGM Will have a valid CFC membership for the tournament